Welcome to Scraawl SocL
Search, Analysis, and Visualization for PAI
What is Scraawl SocL®?
An advanced PAI and online data analytics tool
Scraawl SocL® is an enterprise-level, easy-to-use, web-based PAI listening and analytics tool. Scraawl SocL® searches, analyzes, and visualizes online conversations and news data, providing a user with a detailed 360-degree analysis. Using advanced text and social network analytics, Scraawl SocL® helps brands and agencies understand their global audience, manage customer experience, improve public relations, drive strategic growth, and develop new clients.
What Can Scraawl SocL® Do For You?
Unlimited possibilities for accurate social analytics and reporting
Scraawl SocL® enables analysis of publicly available information (PAI), social presence, reach, and engagement. Using Scraawl SocL®, analysts can gather data on social media conversations, public sentiment, and opinions on major events and campaigns. Scraawl SocL® also provides insights to identify key influencers and communities within a network and visualize interactions and networks.
Advanced Text, Graph, and Network Analytics
All the analytics you’ll ever need, at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere
Import and analyze content across various publicly available information sources
Top users, hashtags, mentions, URLs, and more
Influence discovery, community detection, and social and friendship graphs
Monitor engagement and reach for your brand
Heat maps, geo-referencing, geo-profiling, geo-fencing, and geo-filtering
Media and avatar galleries
Bot detection with reported confidence ratings
Word clouds, timeline views, heat maps, and community, social, and friendship graphs
Named entities, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis