TxT Features
Data SourcesData Sources
Ingest and analyze documents from various sources
Use Scraawl TxT to analyze data from hundreds of file types. Import documents and datasets such as news articles, reports, blogs, comments, chat transcripts, SMS, and e-mail.
Geo-Spatial AnalyticsGeo-Spatial Analytics
Geo-referencing and geo-fencing
Use Scraawl TxT to gain a better understanding of the geo-referenced and geo-coded locations within your dataset. Drill down to specific regions/countries for more focused analysis.
Content AnalyticsContent Analytics
Topic modeling, timeline, and text summarization
---Top Words & Languages
Use Scraawl TxT to filter your dataset by commonly used words or languages.
Use Scraawl TxT to analyze your repository of documents to discover underlying themes. Scraawl TxT’s Topic Modeling analytic uses a language-independent probabilistic model to abstract topics from patterns in word use to partition content into distinct topical threads.
Use Scraawl TxT to see a break-out view of content to gain a better temporal view of events and trends. Scraawl TxT’s Timeline View includes headline text for enhanced knowledge discovery.
Entity AnalyticsEntity Analytics
Named entity recognition and resolution, entity relation graph, and proximity correlator
When facing volumes of documents, use Scraawl TxT to quickly and accurately detect 25+ entity classes such as organizations, people, locations, emails, and URLs. Scraawl TxT will then determine when two entities refer to the same thing in the real world (entity resolution).
Use Scraawl TxT to generate graphs of the relationships between entities within and across documents. In these graphs, the nodes represent entities and the links indicate relations between them.
Image Processing AnalyticsImage Processing Analytics
Uploaded and embedded media galleries
Use Scraawl TxT to display images (including those embedded in files) with integrated OCR and translation.