SocL Features
Basic StatisticsBasic Statistics
Top users, hashtags, mentions, URLs, words, and more
Scraawl SocL’s Basic Statistics dashboard provides real-time insights into all essential statistics for users, hashtags, mentions, words, URLs, locations, and languages related to your search query. Use filtering and drill-down capabilities to analyze a conversation in further detail.
Geo-Spatial AnalyticsGeo-Spatial Analytics
Heat maps, geo-referencing, geo-profiling, geo-fencing, and geo-filtering
Use Scraawl SocL’s advanced geo-spatial analytics to gain a better understanding of audiences and social presence. Analytics based on extraction of geo-coded, geo-profiled, and geo-referenced information provide an in-depth understanding of conversations from specific regions/countries.
Network AnalyticsNetwork Analytics
Influence discovery, community detection, and social and friendship graphs
Use Scraawl SocL's graph theory-based Influence Discovery analytic to identify the influential users in a social conversation. Drill down to view specific influencer’s posts and understand the nature of their influence.
PAI analytics is more than likes and impressions; it is also about communities and networks. Use Scraawl SocL’s analytics-as-a-filter capability to discover the communities in your social networks and their topics of conversation.
Use Scraawl SocL’s Social Graph to understand interactions between users in your data set. Use Friendship Graph to understand the network connections between users.
Social MetricsSocial Metrics
Monitor engagement and reach for your brand
Use Scraawl SocL’s Social Metrics analytic to monitor followers, reach, engagement, and impressions and compare them against the competition. For further analytical insights, drill down to see detailed metrics by day, hour, user, or post type.
Natural Language ProcessingNatural Language Processing
Named entities, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis
Use Scraawl SocL's natural language processing analytic to identify the people, organizations, and locations mentioned in your data.
Use Scraawl SocL’s Topic Modeling analytic to identify the themes underlying the digital conversation collected. Scraawl SocL uses a language-independent probabilistic model to partition conversations into distinct topical threads. Filter by topic, then apply Influence Discovery, Community Detection, or Sentiment Analysis to get a clearer picture of the conversation.
Use Scraawl SocL’s machine learning-based sentiment analytic to assess whether a campaign invoked the desired reaction from your audience. Scraawl SocL uses uses textual and structural features to classify the sentiment of each post as positive, negative, or neutral.
Image AnalyticsImage Analytics
Media and avatar galleries
A picture is worth a thousand words and Scraawl SocL’s Media Gallery helps tell that story. Use the Media Gallery to see all the images and video from the collected posts organized by frequency and media type. Use integrated OCR and translation and export images to PixL for deeper analysis.
Use Scraawl SocL's Avatar Gallery to see the avatar images of the users in your report. Use integrated OCR and translation and export to PixL for deeper analysis.
Behavioral AnalyticsBehavioral Analytics
Bot detection
Use Scraawl SocL's advanced Bot Detection analytic to distinguish potential bots from humans. Scraawl SocL's algorithm uses various statistical, temporal, and textual features of posts along with historical information from user profiles to categorize users.