As the classic Tina Turner song goes what's love, what's love got to do with it? The answer for brands, of course, is everything. Whether customers return for a repeat ...
According to a recent report by Reuters, global spend on digital marketing has now reach an estimated total of almost $100 billion. The rise in spending has been partially attributed ...
Managing brand safety online often means navigating murky waters. At any moment, a relationship with an influencer or a network of bots, may suddenly turn into the iceberg that brings ...
As cryptocurrency has steadily become a more common investing outlet, there has been a growing epidemic of cryptocurrency scam bots bombarding Twitter over the last year. Along with the boom ...
Bots come in many flavors and with many different definitions. Simply put, bots run automated tasks, typically at a much higher rate than humans could. This high speed is often ...
In the Which Social Media Platform is Right for You? Part 1 Twitter and tumblr to determine who used the platforms and what conversations they were having. We will now look ...
In the age of digital marketing, it can be challenging to identify the ideal audience for your brand and messaging. It can be even more difficult to participate meaningfully in ...
Design is a huge component of digital marketing. For all the social platforms, emails, resources, and product guides -- marketers need strong images. If you're a lucky marketer, you have ...
Call it naivety or call it innocence, whatever the semantics, it's clear that some kind of faith has been lost in social media. In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica ...